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Which is the true way of life?

True Way of Life: Which is the true way of life?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Which is the true way of life?

It is one of the most common question that arises in the so called religious mind. Most of the people try to answer this question according to their belief systems or religions but we need to be unbiased here. We have to stay outside here from all the different systems and then we have to decide about the true way of life.

As far as I am concerned, do we really need to think about the true way of life? Do we need to bother about the true way of approach to life? The title of my blog is the same but I do not mean it in people's sense. My intention is not here to bind people in any of the current or new belief system but my goal is here to show people the world, where there is no belief system at all, where at first the person is free from all the belief systems and then he is capable to choose his own belief system that suits him, that can synchronize with his existence. Any belief system that is acquired through some influence is wrong. Today, we are just inheriting some of the belief systems from our parents and some are being transferred to us through some other influence. We are just programming our minds without even knowing. We think that we control our life completely but it is not true. Everything we are doing now is just because of programming of our mind. You are doing what you have been taught. Such a conditioning causes conflict and misery in our life.

All the religions are present today because of influence. Many great people like Gautam Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mahavira, Krishna and Guru Nanak sang their inner songs and they wanted us to find harmony that is present within us. They never wanted to influence us according to them but we all got influenced and the whole world is trying to copy them. People are trying to copy their daily routine and it makes them to live in a burden. They are trying to sing something that does not suit their voice. They do not know that there is something present within them that is more than enough but they are trying to be someone else. Through such influences, all the religions came into existence and all the religions think that they are better than others. Its not what the religious sculptures are thinking but it is just people's biased thinking. People do say that we respect all the religions or all the religions are equal etc, then why they are immensely attached to their religions. Why people do not read some other scripture with the same respect or interest. There is some kind of biasness that is present within them. This biasness is very dangerous.

The next question arises in most of the clever people's mind is that is it not an another belief system that is free from all the belief systems. The answer to this question can either be given as yes or no. To make a society that is free from all the belief systems, we need to have a belief system that eradicates all the belief systems but on the other hand it cannot be called itself a belief system because it also eradicates itself and nothing remains after. Out of this nothingness, whatever comes out in your awareness will be your true way of life. It will always remain personal or individualistic rather than common or society oriented. If, it comes out to be similar or identical to someone, then it would be a pure coincidence. It is just the limitation of language here that I could not say anything else. I had to create nothingness and something had to be said. This saying is giving you a choice where there is no biasness and influence. One can only decide about the true way of life while standing away from all the belief systems. Staying within the belief systems makes you conditioned and dull to think something new and creative. It just overlaps your inner joy and forces you to be a normal human fighting with himself.

We all need to sing our inner song, there are infinite different choices that this existence has given to us. Doing so , we can create a society, where there will be no more conflict and we can come up here with a very sophisticated civilization.



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