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Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Gibberish Meditation

True Way of Life: Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Gibberish Meditation

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Gibberish Meditation

Once Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh said that I am present in the world where people are more upset than they ever were. In spite of that few individuals came into existence who were peaceful and calmed. We can make people peaceful if, we allow people to throw out their frustration, eagerness and anger from them.

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Gibberish Meditation

First Phase of 15 Minutes Gibberish Meditation by Osho Rajneesh:

You can do this meditation in a group or just sitting alone. Close your eyes and start talking non-sense. In other words, I can say that start making noises that even you cannot understand. Doing so, you are throwing out useless things from your mind. Mind always understands things in the form of words that you can understand. Gibberish language breaks this old infrastructure and it enables us to throw out our useless thoughts without suppressing them.

Second Phase of 15 Minutes Gibberish Meditation by Osho Rajneesh:

Lay down straight on your stomach and feel that you and the whole earth are one. Whenever you exhale, feel yourself getting swallowed by the earth.

Gibberish Meditation should be taught to each individual in this world. It will help in preventing insanity. Doing this meditation can appear funny or insane to some people but slowly you will get used to it. It makes all your garbage of mind to come out from you.

The main idea behind this meditation is also to prevent you from saying wrong things to other people. It is good to empty yourself first so that you do not say anything wrong to others. If, we abuse someone then that particular impression stays in the mind of the individual for a long time and it irritates him or her. People have their own garbage present in their minds and they cannot handle it properly. It makes things worst if you start throwing your own garbage on them.

The better way is to throw it on the non living things by talking Gibberish and empty yourself. We can make this whole world very peaceful if this meditation can be learnt by each individual.

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