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Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Gourishankar Meditation

True Way of Life: Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Gourishankar Meditation

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Gourishankar Meditation

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Gourishankar Meditation

This meditation also requires a special type of music which was recommended by Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh. This music plays an important part in all the phases of meditation. This music can be searched over the internet and can be purchased. This meditation has four phases and each requires fifteen minutes.

First phase of fifteen minutes Gourishankar Meditation

Stand and close your eyes. Have a deep breath and fill your lungs with air. Hold for as long as you can. Now, release slowly through your mouth. Keep your lungs without oxygen for as long as you can do. Now, take a deep breath again and repeat the whole process. keep doing all this process for fifteen minutes.

Second Phase of fifteen minutes Gourishankar Meditation

Keep your body static and breath normally. Try to concentrate at the flame of a candle. Remain relaxed while concentrating on the flame.

Third Phase of fifteen minutes Gourishankar Meditation

Keep your eyes closed and stand up. You have to make yourself receptive in this phase. Just make your body loose completely and let your body to move as it wants. Don't try to control its movements. Let it happen naturally. You have to flow with the stream of river in this phase. By saying this, I meant to be that much receptive. Don't conflict with anything and express your body movements freely. Don't let thoughts to come in your mind.

Fourth Phase of fifteen minutes Gourishankar Meditation

Lie down and keep your eyes closed for fifteen minutes. Feel relaxed in this phase.

Important points to consider

1. It should be always done with a special music.
2. Keep all the phases isolated from one another. Don't give more or less time to any phase. Otherwise, it would not be giving full benefits to you.
3. Practice makes the man perfect, keep trying this meditation according to the points mentioned. You will be feeling better by time.
4. Always have a sense of enjoyment while doing it.

You may take help of this video to learn this meditation of Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh.

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