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What is meditation from my point of view?

True Way of Life: What is meditation from my point of view?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What is meditation from my point of view?

What is meditation from my point of view?

In this world, we are going through same schedule almost every day. Our schedule is getting up early in the morning for a job, coming back tired from the job and then sleep at night. The same schedule is followed each day. When we are following this schedule, we do all the things in the sense of unconsciousness. Have you ever thought that your focus remains on one thing just for 3-4 seconds or may be less than that. Just try to concentrate on one thing now. Just look at the wall clock and try to concentrate on the second hand. Your work is to just look at the second hand without any thought. If you start thinking about anything else then you have lost the game. if you even start thinking about second hand then you have lost either. Your work is just to look without any thought about anything. I can bet that you would not be able to just look for more than 3-4 seconds.

So, according to my definition of meditation it is the state of thoughtlessness. People usually judge wrong about meditation. They think that we have to sit in difficult postures to meditate but it is not right. Anything can be a meditation whatever you like. Your work is just to focus on that thing. It does not matter if you are driving a car, running, swimming, playing tennis or anything else.

I got inspired to start this blog because I just passed through one of my hard phases of my life where I was very much stressed and I felt that I have been trapped in the circumstances. I could not focus on anything and I always had negative thoughts in my mind which further created more problems for me. I had always interest in the meditation techniques and there are hundreds of different types of meditations. I didn't take them seriously but when I felt trapped then I had to take them seriously. I want to help people seriously who are feeling trapped because of current circumstances and they are stressed all the day. I can recommend them some meditation techniques which can be very helpful for them and can bring some happy moments to their lives. I am saying this from my own personal experience, I started feeling better after reading meditation literature and now I feel very calmed and I am an individual now with a positive frame of mind.

I will be writing about many meditation techniques one by one in this blog and your work is to try the one which you find comfortable and easiest for you. Actually you should enjoy it. If you feel burdened trying any of the technique then leave it now because it is not for you then you can try other. Our work is to take meditation lightly and accept it as fun. Enjoy it! You will start feeling the difference soon.

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