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Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's Prarthana Meditation

True Way of Life: Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's Prarthana Meditation

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's Prarthana Meditation

Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's Prarthana Meditation

Prarthana Meditation by Osho

Prarthana means prayer. It is not much different from doing prayer but the main point is the feeling of gratitude and building of energy. It is better to do this meditation at night before sleeping. It can also be done at day time but it is necessary to have fifteen minutes rest after doing it. This rest is necessary, otherwise you would feel yourself in a sleep. It is the main reason to prefer it at night time before sleeping so that anybody can have proper rest immediately after doing it. This prarthana meditation can change you and when you change, the whole existence changes automatically.

How to do Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh's Prarthana Meditation?

Raise your both hands up and keep your fists open. Keep your head straight. Now, try to feel that the whole existence is flowing from with in you. Try to feel that energy is entering from your hands and flowing downwards, you would start feeling vibration. Let, this vibration happen and do not interfere with it. Your role is to help building more vibration and energy.

Now, try to leave yourself. By leaving yourself, I mean to imagine yourself a part of whole existence. You are not different from existence but you are a subset of existence itself or you are an existence itself. After two or three minutes, when you start feeling build up with energy, bend yourself and touch ground with your hands and forehead. Act like an intermediate between energy and earth so that energy can meet earth.

Repeat this process for at least six times so that all the chakras can open. It can also be repeated more number of times but it is necessary to do for at least six times. If, you do less than six, you would be feeling uncomfortable and may find difficulty in sleeping.

After repeating it for at least six times, keep this feeling of prarthana and sleep in the feeling of gratitude. You will keep flowing with energy while entering in a sleep. It helps a lot because energy will be surrounding you for whole night and will be doing its work. You will feel very fresh and active after you wake up in the morning. You would not have felt such freshness before in your life. It would feel like, a new life has entered your body. You will remain filled with this new energy all the day.



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