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Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Dynamic Meditation

True Way of Life: Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Dynamic Meditation

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Dynamic Meditation

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Dynamic Meditation

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh's Dynamic Meditation is one of the most effective type of meditation. From the hundreds of different types of meditation techniques available, this one is more enjoyable for me. I have to say something honestly at this moment. This meditation may appear hilarious or stupid to most of the people but you need to free yourself from your cultural and social barriers. You have to forget the things which are unacceptable for you to gain something new. I have come across lots of people around me who can never even try this meditation because according to them it is the meditation for insane people. They don't want to try because they think that if anyone gets to know about trying this meditation then they will be called fools. So, it is just the social constraint they are having in their mind.

How Dynamic Meditation by Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh should be done?

Dynamic meditation is done with special kind of music which plays an important part in the whole process. This music can be bought from the internet. It is not much costly to purchase this music.

The whole meditation process requires one hour and it has five phases. It has been recommended that we should do this in a group of people. Doing it in a group does not mean that you should distract your mind towards them. You just need not to care about other people. It is even better to blindfold yourself with a piece of cloth or anything comfortable. You should not eat anything before doing this meditation and should always wear loose clothes.

First phase of 10 minutes of Dynamic Meditation

Start breathing as fast as you can through your nostrils. Try to concentrate on your breathing when you exhale. You can feel sensation in your nostrils when you exhale to concentrate. There is no need to concentrate when you inhale. Let your body do inhaling naturally.

Second phase of 10 minutes of Dynamic Meditation

In this phase of meditation, you have to let your emotions come out from you. Whatever is coming in your mind at that moment, just let it come out. If you want to laugh then laugh, if you want to cry then cry out loud, if you want to express anger then shout out loud. Mostly people shout in this phase and it is normal to do it. Most of the people around us are filled with anger and frustration but they don't get a chance to express their feelings. So, it is the phase where they have a right time to erupt their feelings. You can feel hesitate to express yourself but try to start with some acting. Slowly, you will be flowing with it.

Third phase of 10 minutes of Dynamic Meditation

Lift your hands up and keep your eyes closed. Start shouting "hooo" again and again while jumping up and down. Feel this word from your inner from as deep as you can. You will feel vibration in your body while shouting this word. The right time to use this word is when you just touch the ground. Just land flat on your feet during jumping process. Your work in this process is to make yourself tired completely. Don`t stop at any moment.

Fourth phase of 15 minutes of Dynamic Meditation

You will hear the sound stop. You have to stop suddenly when you hear this sound. Just be a statue for 15 minutes

Last phase of 15 minutes of Dynamic Meditation

Enjoy dance with the music. It is better not to make dance moves. Just dance naturally without thinking of any moves. Have feeling of gratitude for your existence while you are dancing and thank God for giving you this life.

You can also learn Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh's Dynamic Meditation watching:

Important points to remember:

1. Don`t forget yourself while going through all the phases. Just remain aware of all the process you are doing. Remain witness to all your actions.

2.If you are afraid of neighbors because of second phase as you may want to shout out loud. It is better to have a proper place where other people do not get disturbed who are not participating in this meditation.

3.Like five different phases of your actions, there are five different phases of music. You will need to shift from one phase to other phase when music changes.



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