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How the movie "Inception" raised some interesting questions in my mind?

True Way of Life: How the movie "Inception" raised some interesting questions in my mind?

Saturday, April 30, 2011

How the movie "Inception" raised some interesting questions in my mind?

I would like to discuss in this post that how this movie can bring meditative state in our life and how this movie raised some interesting questions in my mind. "Inception" is the movie that released around 8-9 months ago. I liked the theme of this movie and I recommend watching this movie. For those, who have not watched this movie, it is good to discuss some points about this movie.

The whole movie revolves around our dreams. The movie is about getting in somebody's dreams and then extract any private information. For example, I intentionally come in your dream and extract something private. The concept of this movie is not so simple because the movie included the concept of layers of our dreams. Lets take an example again, I come in your dream, and in your dream I ask you to sleep. You sleep in your dream and I come in your dream that you are taking in your dream. So, I entered in the second layer of your dream. The process goes on following third layer and fourth layer. Its not convenient to discuss all the aspects of this movie but that much is sufficient to discuss the points, I came across. These points are really mysterious for all of us and can act as a revolution for our life.

What are the different things, I extracted from the movie?

Live life like a dream. Start imagining now that your life is a dream and it might be possible though. What are we considering now a real life, might be our first layer dream and our usual dreams that we see while sleeping, might be our second layer dreams. I am not saying that somebody is trying to extract information from us in this way. I mean, what if the whole infrastructure of life is a first layer dream then this dream ends with our death and, then we wake in a new world that is beyond our imagination. This thing can be used to attain positive attitude towards our life.

If something bad is happening in your life, you can stick to the thoughts that I have just discussed. "Real life is not real but it is just a first layer of our dreams". It will take all your worries away because this concept brings mysterious nature about our life. Every bad thing happens in your life, start thinking that this life is not real but it is just a dream. The things will change eventually. Your positive frame of mind will attract positive things in your life. My work here is not to encourage you to do something wrong. I am not asking you to hit somebody hard and considering it as a dream. I am just asking you to enter in this mysterious life. Ask yourself such questions, your worries will fade day by day. This life is so mysterious, there is a lot beyond our present imagination, feelings, vision. It is always good to think about this mysterious life because it soothes our mind with some interesting questions. It makes us to enter in a different zone and it is not different from any meditation.

Questions you can ask to yourself after reading this post

1.Is this life real or it is just a first layer dream?

2. Does this dream ends with our death and we find ourselves awake in a different world, where the things are beyond our imagination.

Try to think about the points that I have discussed. It will work like a meditation for you in every sense.

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