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Mirror Gazing Meditation Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh

True Way of Life: Mirror Gazing Meditation Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh

Friday, April 29, 2011

Mirror Gazing Meditation Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh

Mirror Gazing Meditation Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh

This meditation technique is one of the strangest technique that I have come across. I will personally try this meditation as soon as possible. These days, I am working on some other technique. This technique needs some courage to start. You will get to know why I am saying that about this meditation technique.

How to do Mirror Gazing Meditation by Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh?

Take one mirror and a candle in a dark room. Place mirror in front of your face and light the candle such that you should not be able to see the candle in the mirror but candle's light should be kept on your face. Start staring in your eyes and try as hard as you can for not to blink. Let the tears come but resist blinking. Do it for about forty minutes and with in two three days, you will be able to stare in your eyes continuously without blinking.

After two three days, a strange thing will happen. You will see your face changing shapes. You may get scared at this point but all these faces belong to you. The face you are seeing may belong to your past lives. All these images are coming from your subconscious mind and belong to you. After about a week, you will see your face as flux. Many faces will be coming and going in a lesser time. After about three weeks of time, you will not be able to remember your face at all as you have seen lots of faces in the mirror. You are only able to remember your face because you have seen one face constantly in the mirror throughout your life.

After three weeks, on any day you will see void in the mirror. There will not be any face at all. This is the real moment where all the deceptions will fall.

I have not personally tried this meditation technique but I will soon do it and will write my own experience about this meditation. Lots of people have tried mirror gazing and they have really experienced what I wrote above. There are different explanations present in this world for this strange phenomenon. Some people say that we get connected to the spirit world and mirror in one of the way to do it. Some say that we can see our deceased loved one through this method. Medical Science has its own explanation and they say that these are just hallucinations but Science is not able answer all the questions about this existence at all. Science does not even know what meditation really is. Even some doctors and researchers have done research on this technique and they connect mirror gazing with past lives.

The truth is beyond our imagination and it cannot be explained. When, I say that truth cannot be explained. Actually, I tried to explain it in some other way and it also made my that sentence useless.

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At February 29, 2012 at 8:18 PM , Blogger Mayuri said...

I am doing mirror gazing meditation and it was really scary sometimes because I can see some other face sitting in the mirror and looking at me.
Initially, my heart used to sink as sometimes everything will disappear. Now days, some angry faces appear in mirror and I forget I am looking into mirror.
I feel like fighting with the face in mirror:-). I started having headache after few days and I didn't know what to do so I called few of my friends. And Neelam Ma(who was with Osho for more than 20 years) told me, it happens with many people. Osho has suggested to have head shower next morning with cold water and then do other meditation to bring energy balance. Headache happens because of so much energy in upper region so we have to balance it by bringing it to navel point. She told me sit straight and throw whole breathe from mouth and put attention on navel point. Do it for 10-15 mints. I tried it and I am feeling really fresh and there is no trace of headache. She mentioned one more point. If you see face of some animal in the mirror, it could be helpful to study about that animal as you could find some of its characteristics in you:-). I haven't see any animal yet :-)
Its very powerful meditation and surely, you could experience beautiful energy. I see many changes as well in my life such as I am more active, energize and my concentration on work in office has improved drastically.
All the best. Love,


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