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Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Watching Space between your Breaths Meditation

True Way of Life: Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Watching Space between your Breaths Meditation

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Watching Space between your Breaths Meditation

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Watching Space between your Breaths Meditation

We inhale and exhale during breathing but there is an empty space between these two when nothing happens. This moment comes for very small amount of time. It is as small as thousandth part of a second. You inhale then comes a point when your breathing stops and then your breathe comes out. When you exhale, a point comes again when your breathing stops and then your breathing starts in the reverse direction. When your breathing turn inward or outward, there is a point when you do not breathe. In this moment, meditation is possible, whenever you are not breathing you are not present in this world. Try to understand it, when you are not breathing, you are dead. You are but you are dead. This moment is so small that you are not able to analyze this moment.

Breathe taken inward is like a new birth and exhalation is like death. After each cycle of inhalation and exhalation, you die. There is a very short time between inhalation and exhalation. You can be aware of this moment through dedication. You would not need anything if you become aware of this moment.

You do not need to alter your breathing. Just breathe normally. It appears to very easy method to know the truth. The meaning of knowing the truth is to know what never gets born or die.You may be aware of inhalation and exhalation but you are never aware of the space present between these two.

How to do "Watching Space between your Breaths Meditation" by Osho Rajneesh?

First try to be aware about the inhalation process. Just watch your breathe. Forget everything but be aware about your breathe that you are taking in. When breathe touches your nostrils, feel it. Then, let your breathe to enter and follow it with awareness. Do not try to be ahead of your breathe and do not lag behind it. Just move together with it. When your awareness is moving together with it, it is possible to catch the point which is situated between inhalation and exhalation.

When exhalation starts, let your awareness to move together with your breathe and keep repeating this cycle. Mahatma Buddha specifically used this technique. Mahatma Buddha called this technique "Anapanasati Yoga". Enlightenment of Mahatma Buddha was based on this technique.

If, you keep practicing about your awareness on your breathing, you will eventually reach to an inner point. As your awareness will become more sharp and deep on your breathing, the whole world will be left outside.

Whenever you are moving with your breathing. Suddenly, you become aware that there is no breathing. You will feel that you are not inhaling or exhaling at all. Your breathing has stopped and this moment brings the feeling of Godliness.

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