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My views on "The need for Catharsis Meditation Osho Rajneesh"

True Way of Life: My views on "The need for Catharsis Meditation Osho Rajneesh"

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My views on "The need for Catharsis Meditation Osho Rajneesh"

My views on Catharsis Meditation Osho Rajneesh

This meditation works on the principle of forgetting everything present in this world. Just sit for sixty minutes and you have to forget everything. You need to turn around your face from this world and sit silently. You will see clouds first but do not get worried about them. These are just your repressed emotions. This thing may appear confusing here according to the detail given in the orange book of Osho Rajneesh. What is the meaning of clouds here? Did he really mean clouds or clouds are just symbolic for the emotions like ego and jealousy.

You will come across many things like ego, jealousy, hatred etc. but do not try to repress them. I agree with the last line completely. Society has always asked you to suppress them and suppression is the main problem. Once the thing is suppressed, it cannot be seen on the surface but it is still there deep down present in you. It will still be creating problems for you. You will keep thinking that you are free from such evil things but you are not.

You will have to pass through many clouds and you may feel that there is nothing present opposite to this world. You do not have to lose your patience. Osho said that you are not going to find that wonderland that easy. You will come to the fact that there is no fragrance or paradise inside that people like Mahatama Buddha claimed to experience. But it is just because of the shield of emotions like ego and jealousy. So, you will be tempted to come outside again as you will not find anything amusing inside.

You will find that it is better to dream about the outside world and enjoy the things that you use to do like going to watch a movie or go to a club. The main point is that you will be eager to come back to the outside world but you keep on trying to detach from the outside world and do not lose your patience.

Now looking at this meditation, I remember some of the Osho Rajneesh's words when he said that you are born enlightened. There are the false belief systems that blinded your eyes. You just need to identify what is false in this world. You just need to remove the things within you that are man made. In other words, you can forget the whole world and can attach yourself to your natural tendency. This whole meditation appears more or less same to the words "You are born Enlightened".



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