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Scientific Study on Past Lives, Reincarnation and Souls

True Way of Life: Scientific Study on Past Lives, Reincarnation and Souls

Friday, November 11, 2011

Scientific Study on Past Lives, Reincarnation and Souls

Scientific Study on Past Lives, Reincarnation and Souls

Everybody has fear of death. This fear forces us to investigate about the things like life after life, souls, spirit guides etc. Religions have been talking about these things since centuries but Scientists have just started taking this matter for investigation. There are number of scientists present in the world now who are very interested in such subjects. One of the popular scientist is Dr. Michael Duff Newton.

Dr. Michael Newton has a doctorate degree in the field of Psychology and he is a certified Master hypnotherapist. He wrote his study results through two different books. The name of his first book is "Journey of Souls" and it was published in 1994. His second book was "Destiny of Souls" which was published in 2000.

Dr. Michael Newton believed in traditional hypnosis to help psychologically disturbed persons. The concept of souls, afterlives and reincarnation was just an intellectual curiosity for him. He used to reject requests from people who would come to him and ask unorthodox questions about life and death. He finally got interested in this unorthodox field when he was counselling a young man. This young man had been suffering from chronic pain in his entire life. This man had already tried different doctors and therapies but nothing helped him. During his counselling, Dr. Michael Newton asked him to go to the course of his pain. Then, the patient started talking about World War 1. Doctor uncovered that he was World War 1 soldier in his former life and he was killed by bayonet in France. Now, the patient was able to get rid of his pain.

Under the influence of this incident and few clients, Dr. Michael Newton started exploring more about these things. Many hypnotists can take you to your past life. Such a session is called past life regression session. It is a different thing if they are real or not. Dr. Michael Newton took hypnosis to the new level. He was able to take their clients to the time present between two lives. It is the time of souls, ghosts, spirit guides when we do not have a physical body.

He considered hundreds of clients to do his research. Whatever he asked them during hypnosis sessions was recorded by him. He published his case studies in the form of two books named "Journey of Souls" and "Destiny of Souls". I have already talked above about these books.

Dr. Michael Newton gave strong points in one of his book about how one can enter in past lives through hypnosis? He wrote that mind is made up of three concentric circles. The outer circle represents our conscious mind which is our analytic and reasoning source. The second circle represents our sub-conscious mind which stores all our memories of present life and former lives. The inner most circle represents super conscious mind which facilitates highest self awareness to us. He writes that people do not dream or hallucinate during hypnosis. When clients are taken in trance, their brain slows down changing from Beta state, passes meditative alpha stage reaching theta state. This theta state is hypnosis state but not sleep. When, we sleep at night it is actually a delta state when messages starts falling from our brain to the sub-conscious. These messages then come in the form of dreams.

In theta state, conscious mind is not unconscious and hence we can send and receive messages from the memory. During this theta state, people report things as real observations. So, subjects cannot lie but they may misinterpret things as we do in the conscious state.

Critics of hypnosis believe that a subject can fabricate their dialogues and responses according to the suggestions made by the hypnotist but Dr. Michael Newton argued that he had done lots of cross-examination regarding that. Examining hundreds of clients had produced a fair amount of consistent results. Imaginations and hallucinations would have resulted in inconsistent case studies. In fact, people did not hesitate in correcting Dr. Newtons's statements during session.

If, you are afraid of death. These two books are worth reading. I could not read each and every case study in detail but I could understand the core points like Death and Departure, Gateway to the spirit world, Orientation, The Advanced Soul, Life Selection, choosing A new body, Rebirth etc. present in the books.

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