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OSHO RAJNEESH: Psychologists Know Nothing About Themselves Youtube Video

True Way of Life: OSHO RAJNEESH: Psychologists Know Nothing About Themselves Youtube Video

Thursday, July 7, 2011

OSHO RAJNEESH: Psychologists Know Nothing About Themselves Youtube Video

Osho Rajneesh: Psychologists Know Nothing About Themselves Youtube Video

Once upon a time, there was a poor couple. Both of them were very hospitable. If, guest would come to their house then both would not let the guest to leave without serving them food. As they belonged to a poor family. So, it was not easy for them to serve food to the guests. Once, a guest visited their house but they did not have anything to offer to the guest but the man asked his wife to visit a shopkeeper in their village and told her to tell the shopkeeper that we will pay the bill later.

So, his wife went to that shopkeeper and asked for things. As she did not have money to pay the bills, she asked him to wait for the money for some days. The shopkeeper was not happy with this deal. Some bad intentions came in his mind for her and he asked her to come to his house at night in return of the bought things. She could not understand anything at all as an average person would get a wrong signal. So, she agreed. She came back to her house and tell all to her husband. Her husband was a very simple man too. He also could not understand about the bad intentions of the shopkeeper. So, he himself took his wife to the shopkeeper at night. The shopkeeper could not imagine their dumb behavior.

Psychologists are like this shopkeeper. Not in the sense of their intentions but in case of his judgement towards the couple. He regarded them as dumb because both of them could not understand his meaning but he himself could not understand their simplicity too. Society wants all of us to be clever because without being clever one cannot survive in this society. So, clever attitude is enforced on people and it disturbs their innocence. Once upon a time, the man was getting married for the second time in his life. Priest told him to kiss the bride. The man yelled loudly "shut up, I am not getting married for the first time. I already know this." It is natural for all of us to laugh at such behavior because we think that such things are not meant to be said but it also reflects something about the innocence of that man and we laugh at such innocence. Such innocence does not have mind thing into it and they are far more close to Godliness than all of us.

The one who is as simple as the couple of the above story would be taken to a psychologist today. There is no doubt that psychologists can help those whose consciousness has fallen down but they cannot help those who are more conscious than an average human.

If Jesus Christ, Buddha and all similar kinds of gems come in front of a psychologist then he will be ready to do his treatment on them because he would not see them behaving like normal individuals. If, he is told about them being special then he will be scared from them like in the incident told by Osho. I think this is one of the reason for Osho saying that psychologists do not know about themselves. Their consciousness level or self awareness is nothing as comparing to an enlightened soul. It is not only about them but it is also about us. We will definitely want people like Jesus and Buddha to be taken to psychologist because we would not be able to understand them. Their consciousness level is so high that the things they know are fictional to us and the things we do are close to the animals. People fighting world wars show all the traits of animals. If, a fight is fought in self awareness then it may not be considered bad but we fight wars without the awareness of our own being. Osho says, we forget most of the time that we are.

Osho is talking about the double suicidal rate of psychologists as comparing to other professions. He is telling about the facts existed long time ago. So, I decided to check back and surfed some pages about it and I found that the condition is almost the same now. They still do not know about themselves. They are far more insane than a normal individual but they just know some learned methodologies to counsel somebody.



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