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Osho: My Way Of Life is Not Philosophy Youtube Video

True Way of Life: Osho: My Way Of Life is Not Philosophy Youtube Video

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Osho: My Way Of Life is Not Philosophy Youtube Video

Osho is talking about the shield of mind in this video. He is saying that his way of life is not a philosophy but witnessing or seeing is his approach to life. Osho had been supporting the method of witnessing to know the truth. So, this is not the only video by Osho where he is talking about witnessing.

Witnessing helps us to see the things as they are but mind just fabricates the reality and we get false image of something. People keep fighting with their minds in their daily lives and more they are fighting, the more they get far from their inner wisdom.

It is disappointing to say that people use their false minds to judge anything in their lives. Those minds have been collecting garbage since centuries and it hides the reality from us. Different religions today are doing the same thing. They are more concentrated on their postures, clothes and looks but they do not even talk about dropping mind. It is one of the biggest mistake they can do. The whole religion should be focusing on dropping or deprogramming mind but today the so called religions believe that adopting a particular daily activity would make a good individual. I think it is not more than deceiving yourselves.

I meet a lots of such persons in my daily life who are trying to justify their belief systems and religions but I would say that the religion they are supporting is not their religion at all. If, they would have born in a different family then they would justify a different religion with same power. They just do it because of their mind conditioning. People need to throw their minds away and then only they can find a true religion present within them.



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