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Osho: What is the Need of Nations Youtube Video

True Way of Life: Osho: What is the Need of Nations Youtube Video

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Osho: What is the Need of Nations Youtube Video

Osho What is the Need of Nations Youtube Video

Osho is talking about the mad society where different people are fighting with each other due to the stupid reasons. Osho says that a good society is far away from us where an individual rights will be of great importance and we will be left with a single earth without any division of countries.

Osho says that at this time we are having different countries fighting because of issues on earth but soon we can see countries fighting because of land on moon. The only way to prevent the third world war is to remove all the divisions from the earth' map. We should be able to live as one humanity on the whole earth.

Even scientists today say that we are going to switch from the current civilization to the type 1 civilization in about 50-100 years. These are the words from the scientist Michio Kaku. This civilization would be a planetary civilization where science would be able to control weather and the society's whole structure will be different from the current one. It is possible that we would not need any divisions that time.



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