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Osho: Being In Love Youtube Video

True Way of Life: Osho: Being In Love Youtube Video

Monday, June 27, 2011

Osho: Being In Love Youtube Video

Osho: Being In Love Youtube Video

Osho explains the meaning of selfishness in this video. Osho says that the selfishness has been condemned so much that we are treating it as a wrong thing but Osho says that we need to be selfish to blossom true love and happiness. Selfish means a person who considers himself first rather than others and what is wrong thing in doing that. A person cannot love anybody who does not love himself but we are trying to impose love on people. We ask people to love each other who do not even love themselves. The love that is created in such a process becomes fabricated and corrupted.

If, person starts loving himself then he can find the true essence of loving everybody. In the so called society the word sacrifice has become more important. People think that we are sacrificing our lives for your parents, children, life partner etc. Everybody is in an illusion that he is sacrificing his life. Then, who is going to live in this society. Nobody is happy in such a sacrificing life then we are left with a society where nobody is happy. The main point is that they are not actually sacrificing but they are in illusion. Even, I would say that the word sacrifice is a wrong word. It has ugliness hidden behind it. The word surrender is significant but only if , it is actually a surrender without any conflict. People should not deceive themselves in the name of surrendering or sacrificing.



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