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Osho Rajneesh: For Thirty-two Years I Have Been Absolutely Nothing

True Way of Life: Osho Rajneesh: For Thirty-two Years I Have Been Absolutely Nothing

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Osho Rajneesh: For Thirty-two Years I Have Been Absolutely Nothing

In this video, Osho Rajneesh is discussing significant points. His vision on enlightenment and nothingness in this video are strongly recommended to people. I will try to add my understanding of this video too.

All of our current society is based on influencing each other. Actually, we do not have a true individual in this society. We are only getting corrupted individuals. What can we more expect through influence? Teachers and Parents are influencing kids according to their own understanding of life and morality but they do not let a kid to grow with his own wisdom. Children today are getting influenced by different celebrities and people treat such people like Gods and even people cannot imagine how such celebrities are miserable in their lives but they seem to be enjoying their stardom.

People get influenced from different celebrities because of number of reasons. People usually think that the celebrities are loving their stardom and people usually see a big smile on their faces. This makes us to misunderstand things. Celebrities are just normal people who are not yet satisfied with their lives still wanting more and more stardom. They usually think that more will gratify them but it does not happen. I remember one Osho quote "The distance between the things you have now and the things you want to have in the future always remain constant". It is just the matter of understanding that we do not need to get influenced from anybody. Being like somebody else will make our life miserable and the more one is connected with himself, the more is the gratitude towards whole existence.

We should influence a child for not getting influenced from anybody. It can be called as another type of influence by some people but it will let the child just to have his own wisdom and we will see how he will blossom in his life. Osho Rajneesh is replying in the video to one of the question where he was asked that if a system without a belief system is also a belief system.
Osho Rajnesh replied no in his answer because it does not programs our mind but it deprograms our mind and leave people to choose their own path.



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