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Osho Rajneesh: Hindi to English Translation Youtube Video

True Way of Life: Osho Rajneesh: Hindi to English Translation Youtube Video

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Osho Rajneesh: Hindi to English Translation Youtube Video

Title: Where there is silence, there is pilgrimage

[0:00-01:14] Your whole education, society and moral values teach you to run after somebody else. They teach you to be passionate about money, designation, respect and fame. It is our bad luck that we could not make such a society yet which can teach you those mysterious things to identify yourself and there is no big designation than that.

[1:14-3:12] It is a strange world where the kings are wandering like beggars and those who were meant to be kings are literally beggars. Just a little effort is needed but your society and moral values scare you saying that "Identifying yourself takes lots of lives and it happens very rarely. It happens only in lives of saviors. It happens in life of tirthankar, savoir, saint or son of God. You are just normal beings. You do not enter in this mess. You do not try to solve this problem. You cannot resolve it".

[3:12-4:37] I say that it is your right since your birth and it does not need to be a tirthankar but if this incident happens, you will be a tirthankar. You do not need to be a savior to know yourself but if this incident happens, you will become a savior. Being a savior is not the first condition but it is an end result. I just want your one hour. You are not that miser who cannot give me an hour out of twenty four hours. Nobody is that much miser.

[4:38-7:34] And I do not say that go to temple and worry about going to mosque because my vision is that temples, mosques, gurudawaras and churches have proved fatal. They created a belief within you that God is not in your home but I say that wherever you go, God is there. So, wherever you sit become a pilgrimage. Just sit silently. If, you feel restlessness then do not feel panic. People are filled with so much impatience. An ordinary education which can at most make you a clerk in an office, you are ready to spend one third of your life for such a job. After spending twenty five years in the universities, colleges and schools, people roam around the offices. You don't even think then that I am just asking your one hour and your presence with in that hour. Your presence in that hour will make you to reach in the nectar experience and you will get something permanent to obtain whom this place is a school.



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