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Osho Rajneesh: Hindi to English Translation Youtube Video

True Way of Life: Osho Rajneesh: Hindi to English Translation Youtube Video

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Osho Rajneesh: Hindi to English Translation Youtube Video

Osho explains the meaning of selfishness in this video and how this selfishness can bring real compassion for others. Osho says that the only method to bring happiness in your life is meditation. The original discourse was in Hindi but I am going to translate it in English.

Title:Dance, Sing and Fall in Meditation

[0:00-2:08] Be joyous and spread joy. Remember that the one who is joyous can spread joy. A sadistic can only spread sadness. We can spread only what we are and even if we want, we cannot spread what we are not. It is not that people do not want to make others happy. Which parents do want their kids to feel miserable? Which husband does want his wife to feel miserable? Which wife does want her husband to feel miserable? Which children want their parents to feel miserable? None, but it is not a question about your wish. Only misery is bound to increase. If,neem tree desires to have sweet mangoes or prickles desire to become roses then it is not possible. There is nothing to do with your wish. You want to make people joyous but you are only able to make them feel miserable. You want this whole earth to become a paradise but it turns more into a hell daily. That is why, I want to say my message to you. Before you go to spread joy, you have to play flute of joy within you. Firstly, a fountain of joy should prevail within you.

[2:09-3:39] I want to make you selfish. The word selfish is a lovely word. It has become dirty. People wrongly explained its meaning. Selfish (Suarth in hindi) means meaning (arth) of self . The one who knows the meaning of self is selfish. I tell you to be selfish because your becoming of selfish has the only possibility to turn you into the one who cares about others from heart. If, you become fully selfish and flowers of self grow within you, flame of joyousness burns then you will automatically care about others that is why I do not teach serving but I teach selfishness. I do not say to serve others. You would not be able to. If, you do then you will do a mistake. You will go to serve but you will return back harming them. You will try to create but you will do a disaster. You are itself wrong then whatever will you do, will be wrong. That is why, I do not put much stress on your acts but I put stress on you. What you do is not important but what you are is important.

[3:40-4:50] Be joyous and there is only one method to be so. The one and only one. There was never a second method, currently not have and never will be. There is no method to be joyous except meditation. Nobody becomes happy through wealth but if the one who can meditate has money then even money can produce happiness. Nobody can ever be happy from palaces. But if, the one who can meditate is present in a palace then palace can produce happiness too. If, a meditator is present in a hut then a hut turns into a palace. If, a meditator is present in a hell even then he is present in a paradise. There is no way to send a meditator into a hell. Wherever he is , the paradise is there because at each moment a paradise is coming out from him. The rays of paradise are coming out from him and scattering. Like flowers grow on trees, paradise grows on a meditator.

[4:51-6:32] My message is that fall in meditation and do not treat meditation like a serious act. It has been a mistake to treat meditation like a serious work. Treat meditation very lightly. Take it in playfulness. "Haseeba Kheliba Kareeba Dhyanam", remember this saying of Gorkhnath. Laugh, play and meditate. Meditate while playing and laughing. Do not sit in a serious mood to meditate. This whole earth is filled with such dead people. People around are very serious and if you too sit seriously then forgive me. This earth cannot tolerate more miserable and sad people. This earth now wants singing and dancing meditators. This earth wants one religion whose most fundamental thing would be joy and celebration.



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