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OSHO RAJNEESH: You Are in Prison and You Think You Are Free

True Way of Life: OSHO RAJNEESH: You Are in Prison and You Think You Are Free

Saturday, September 24, 2011

OSHO RAJNEESH: You Are in Prison and You Think You Are Free

Osho Rajneesh: You Are in Prison and You Think You Are Free

I can clearly remember lines from the movie "The Matrix" after watching this video. According to my view, the movie reflected some realities about our life. Though, the movie did not mean it as they just treated it as science fiction but unknowingly the movie presented something which is happening in real life with us. The lines from the movie were "You are in prison that you cannot touch and smell. It is a prison for your mind." We all are trapped in our present situations. We cannot call ourselves free from any bondage but our life itself is full of bondage.

We have been given a false reality and we have been given a belief that we have a choice but in reality we do not have any choice. Our mind is shaped in such a way since our childhood that it creates a false world in front of us. All our sufferings and rejoicings come from mind where mind is something which is unreal. It is just combination of your thoughts, experience and beliefs. Anything contradicting with your mind will make you suffer and supporting your mind will make you rejoice whereas this rejoicing and suffering are fake. It is possible to alter mind and if different minds can treat one thing in opposite ways then mind cannot be trusted at all.

Osho Rajneesh is talking about a prison of our mind. Nobody feels contented in our world but still we are sticking with the same lifestyle and beliefs. We only hear what we want to hear. We need to realize first that we are in prison otherwise it is impossible to escape from it. The process of escaping is the next step where one needs to break mind and leave all the fake experience collected. Osho Rajneesh is talking about George Gurdjieff too who was very significant man in his time.



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