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Osho Rajneesh Turning Water into Wine Without License

True Way of Life: Osho Rajneesh Turning Water into Wine Without License

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Osho Rajneesh Turning Water into Wine Without License

Osho Rajneesh is delivering some significant points in this video but in his own indirect and humorous way. When Osho Rajneesh is saying things about Jesus that he converted water into wine without any license then he does not mean any disrespect to Jesus. He is just trying to say that people love Jesus just because of their miracles. If, miracles are removed from their lives then your love will simply disappear for them.

People usually want to see something different in a person to be worshiped. Why a person like Jesus would be loved who cannot cure sick people or who is not able to make dead people alive. Your love is just imaginative. You love Jesus just because you know him performing some things which cannot be explained by the laws of physics or by medical field. It is certain that he would not have been able to perform such things. It is just our imagination of Jesus which can perform such acts. We try to fancy lives of such people to attract other people towards it. If, I am born in a particular religion and I want to promote it then people can generally ask what is so special about your religion. One cannot reply just like we do not have anything special in it. Till you do not add supernatural powers into it, people generally do not get impressed with it. The same things happened with Jesus too. We have converted Jesus into a being doing super things and it has corrupted his true identity. No religion wants to present itself simple and sober.

I know that most of the people can disagree with the statement that Jesus did not have any such powers. It is just because of conditioning of their minds from the very beginning. When they did not know anything about Jesus then they were told that Jesus could do miracles. It created love for Jesus in our minds just because of such tasks he performed. Now, this love which is just present because of those tasks do not let us to accept that Jesus could not do anything like that. We will have to leave both things together. If, we accept that it is true then our love for Jesus will disappear with it too. The other way is to love Jesus through another means. Osho Rajneesh wants to say that we need to know Jesus because of his love and compassion for people. At present, we do not have a true relationship with Jesus.



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