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Scientific Facts can also Destroy your Ego

True Way of Life: Scientific Facts can also Destroy your Ego

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Scientific Facts can also Destroy your Ego

Scientific Facts can also Destroy your Ego

Have you ever come across any scientific fact which completely shook you from inside? Such facts can be helpful in destroying your ego. I love watching documentaries related to our universe. Such documentaries are always full of mind boggling facts. It makes us feel that this universe is more mysterious than we think. This whole existence is so widespread which is beyond our imagination.

Scientists say that the size of the visible universe is approximately 13.5 billion light years. It is the distance which light covers in the period of 13.5 billion years. I feel difficult digesting these big figures. When I try to imagine about its size, I reach nowhere because it is way beyond my thinking limit. When I think about this mysterious and vast existence, something shakes me from within. It makes me think that I am not even a tiny sand grain comparing to the size of the universe then why am I carrying so much of ego inside? I can get displeased by number of things around me but I am not even worthy and big enough to complain about anything. All our issues are like soap bubbles but they appear so much like rock solid to us. We consider ourselves so important in this universe which creates ego within us which is the main reason for all our sufferings.

We just need to go deep in such facts. Just spread your wings around and jump into the mystery of this existence. Have a look at the video. I hope it can shake you a bit.

The point is to leave yourself in the existence. Wherever existence takes you, you are ready to go. There is no point of your desire in this vast existence. Existence has given you birth and will destroy you. You have no control over it. Within this time frame, you are creating your own wishes, desires as if you are the creator. You feel that this universe is from you but the reality is, you are from the universe.



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