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The Second Insight from "The Celestine Prophecy"

True Way of Life: The Second Insight from "The Celestine Prophecy"

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Second Insight from "The Celestine Prophecy"

It is convenient to read last post that I have written about the book "The Celestine Prophecy". In the first post, I discussed about the first insight written in the book. It can give you general idea about what this book is all about and it can help you in understanding what the second insight is. I will discuss all the insights present in the book in the right sequence. This post will be focused on the second insight.

The second insight is a little complex to understand. In simple words, it relates to understanding path of morality throughout entire history that we have crossed. Today, whatever ethics we are having, they have been shaped or influenced by the history. People who lived before us, had totally different moralities than we have today. To understand this insight, one of the character imagined about the past as if he is really living it. He imagined himself in the year 1000 where churchmen were the main authority. They were considered as an interface between God and the humans. They programmed human minds in such a way that humans believed they can have access to God only through them. They injected the concept of devil and God in people's minds. People used to fancy about hell and heaven in a realistic way. This conditioning is still present in the current society but in a lot weaker sense. Later in the history, people like Martin Luther fought against such conditioning and demanded to free the society from the papal Christianity. He demanded that each person should be allowed to interpret religious scriptures in his own way. It was an end of one kind of morality which seemed to be inevitable at that time.

In the 16th or 17th century, Science started proving astronomical things. They proved that Earth revolves around the Sun as opposed to the old traditional saying that Sun revolves around the Earth. Earth was considered as the center of the universe. As, Science came up with more and more mind boggling facts, the things which were considered so certain were not certain anymore and we were left with uncertain and mysterious universe. The definition of Gods and Devils which was prevalent long time back was terribly collapsing. At this time, people needed new definition of God and the existence of ourselves. Science started dominating in every respect and it became a new tool to explore about the universe. It was regarded as the only method now to validate the existence of something. Science started exploring universe but due to its complex nature, we could not reach to any certain result which could define who we really are? and what are the purposes of our lives? So, due to uncertain nature of this existence, our focus started shifting towards becoming more stable economically. We thought to stabilize ourselves in this meantime till scientists resolve mysteries of this universe. The real question that we were trying to explore had lost in the last four centuries and our mind became preoccupied with money and stability only. The second insight is all about this preoccupied mind aspiring for secular and financial security. This preoccupied mind is going to fall and culture will slowly start shifting towards real spiritual questions.

This book was written about 15 years ago. I think at that time, there were only very few scientists who used to talk about God and this mysterious existence. Actually, they used to be certain in their own ways. They used to be biased in their research. They wanted scientific evidence to believe in God. Mystics say that God is one and it cannot be measured. How such a science could prove existence of God as science only talked of measuring things in the laboratories. Their focus was just on electrons and matter at that time.

Later, the concept of dark matter and similar things attracted more and more scientists. Now, scientists believe that 95% of the universe is made up of dark matter which is neither an electron and nor any other particle. What is dark matter this? It also cannot be measured but it is believed to be existing. The notions of traditional science have started failing and now the science has become more open to accept things. The experiments related to Large Hadron Collider can unveil strangest things in front of us. If, we still are not able to solve things, our consciousness will still be evolving automatically breaking down the traditional culture and economics.



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