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True Way of Life

True Way of Life: March 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Dynamic Meditation

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh Dynamic Meditation

Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh's Dynamic Meditation is one of the most effective type of meditation. From the hundreds of different types of meditation techniques available, this one is more enjoyable for me. I have to say something honestly at this moment. This meditation may appear hilarious or stupid to most of the people but you need to free yourself from your cultural and social barriers. You have to forget the things which are unacceptable for you to gain something new. I have come across lots of people around me who can never even try this meditation because according to them it is the meditation for insane people. They don't want to try because they think that if anyone gets to know about trying this meditation then they will be called fools. So, it is just the social constraint they are having in their mind.

How Dynamic Meditation by Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh should be done?

Dynamic meditation is done with special kind of music which plays an important part in the whole process. This music can be bought from the internet. It is not much costly to purchase this music.

The whole meditation process requires one hour and it has five phases. It has been recommended that we should do this in a group of people. Doing it in a group does not mean that you should distract your mind towards them. You just need not to care about other people. It is even better to blindfold yourself with a piece of cloth or anything comfortable. You should not eat anything before doing this meditation and should always wear loose clothes.

First phase of 10 minutes of Dynamic Meditation

Start breathing as fast as you can through your nostrils. Try to concentrate on your breathing when you exhale. You can feel sensation in your nostrils when you exhale to concentrate. There is no need to concentrate when you inhale. Let your body do inhaling naturally.

Second phase of 10 minutes of Dynamic Meditation

In this phase of meditation, you have to let your emotions come out from you. Whatever is coming in your mind at that moment, just let it come out. If you want to laugh then laugh, if you want to cry then cry out loud, if you want to express anger then shout out loud. Mostly people shout in this phase and it is normal to do it. Most of the people around us are filled with anger and frustration but they don't get a chance to express their feelings. So, it is the phase where they have a right time to erupt their feelings. You can feel hesitate to express yourself but try to start with some acting. Slowly, you will be flowing with it.

Third phase of 10 minutes of Dynamic Meditation

Lift your hands up and keep your eyes closed. Start shouting "hooo" again and again while jumping up and down. Feel this word from your inner from as deep as you can. You will feel vibration in your body while shouting this word. The right time to use this word is when you just touch the ground. Just land flat on your feet during jumping process. Your work in this process is to make yourself tired completely. Don`t stop at any moment.

Fourth phase of 15 minutes of Dynamic Meditation

You will hear the sound stop. You have to stop suddenly when you hear this sound. Just be a statue for 15 minutes

Last phase of 15 minutes of Dynamic Meditation

Enjoy dance with the music. It is better not to make dance moves. Just dance naturally without thinking of any moves. Have feeling of gratitude for your existence while you are dancing and thank God for giving you this life.

You can also learn Bhagwan Shree Osho Rajneesh's Dynamic Meditation watching:

Important points to remember:

1. Don`t forget yourself while going through all the phases. Just remain aware of all the process you are doing. Remain witness to all your actions.

2.If you are afraid of neighbors because of second phase as you may want to shout out loud. It is better to have a proper place where other people do not get disturbed who are not participating in this meditation.

3.Like five different phases of your actions, there are five different phases of music. You will need to shift from one phase to other phase when music changes.


Monday, March 28, 2011

The things would be the same, the words would be different

I want to clear one point first that I am not here to teach anybody. Teaching is something that does not fit in my dictionary. I am here just to express myself. I would express with different words but the things would be the same. If, anybody agrees with me on any thought then it would not remain my teaching or my thought but it will become your thought itself. It means that in deep down your heart, the same feeling was present already. I just helped to emerge it. This extraction of feeling may require different words but the overall thing or message would be the same.

It is possible that some words can hit a particular individual in a particular way and some words do not. It is just like someone understands English and some understand any other language. My words may appear boring because they may become dull and monotonous at some time or it may be due to understanding of my multiple patterns of writing that are saying the same things. The same things may not be the same in your sense but they converge to the same thing at some point for sure.

My life has been greatly influenced by Osho Rajneesh. I don't know if you know that guy who died a long time ago but he was a great mystic. I can say whatever he said was an ultimate truth. I cannot say that I have a fearless life under his influence at this point but I have got fragrance. I need to follow the path and I can have a fearless life. My words may appear similar to his words at some point with a changed pattern of words because the truth is single and the rest all is false. I am not either comparing myself with him. He was simply a great mystic and I am like a drop from his ocean of knowledge. I just want to act like a medium to express the truth. I agree with him completely but I am not asking you to do the same till you do not know whatever he said. I would definitely say a lots of different things but all the things that appear different would converge to the same thing at some level.

Actually, it is not even possible to say multiple things. It is just our understanding and limitation of our mind that fragments things. If, firstly I say that I want this whole world to become more individualistic rather than society oriented or I choose one specific subject about improvement of our education system then these things are strongly related with each other. They may seem to be different issues but they definitely meet at one point at certain level.

The most important thing is that my writings are not for entertainment but they are here to express the truth.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

I am not a Philosopher

I am starting this blog not because of any special reason. It can be because of strange things that happen in our life and how do we interpret them. These interpretations can bring miseries to our life and also an opposite interpretation can bring wisdom in our life. It entirely depends on your thought process.

I am not a good writer at all. Not just a bad writer but I think that I do not have a proper command on any skill in English language. I don't know that is it because of my lack in English skills or I was born dull. My words may appear totally inconsistent and out of order to all of you people as they appeared to my instructor in computer science major in one of my course but they would be the shadow of human mind.

I can promise that they would not be more inconsistent and unstable as human mind is today. It is not strange to say that if I have an unstable mind to write things then all of you are having same minds to read. The evidence is that we didn't learn anything from our experience. The whole mankind is getting suffered because of themselves only. Only the few individuals arose and talked about peace and spirituality and we all dumb heads did not get anything. So, the more sophisticated are the words the lesser you will be understanding. So, it is like an advantage for me to be naturally a bad writer or less sophisticated.

Now, coming to the point I just want to say that even if my words will be written in a proper manner or in a filthy manner, it is not going to affect much because we all are riding in the same boat. Only that person can understand me who will randomly jump to the same thought as mine. It is not being becoming respectable or being hated after writing all the content but it is about telling the truth. I should say truth according to me. I would not be enforcing it on you. You may agree or disagree with it.

I am not a philosopher who recommend to live in a particular style but I strongly agree with the points that were once told by Osho Rajneesh. The life should be without a belief system. If you are living with a belief system then you will remain in jail and would not be able to reach your inner flowering. It would be like walking in a straight line because you were taught to do so. You would not be able to see anything on the left or right.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Asking Yourself "Who am I" meditation in words of Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff spread this technique with different approach. According to this technique, you have to remember "Who am I". Saint Raman spread this technique in the other corner of the world but he put stress on questioning yourself "Who am I?" Your mind can return you lots of answers but don't believe them. Your mind can say "You are a man", "You are rich or poor", You are literate or illiterate" or "You are this or that". Mind will keep answering. Your work is not to accept any answer because all the answers provided by your mind are fake.

Answers that you get from your mind are in the form of words. Anybody cannot be explained with words. Answers you get, come from scriptures, culture, society etc.
Suppose, I ask to myself "Who Am I?" My mind can give me an answer that "You are Jazz". It is not a real answer. My name cannot be my real identity. It was given by my parents to me. This answer came from society who know me by this name. If my mind answers "You are a rich boy" , then this answer came from the current money or assets I acquire. No answer can be acceptable from mind.

Keep asking yourself again and again "Who am I" and let this question enter deeper in your mind. The moment will come, when no answer will return. That will be the moment, when you are close to an answer. When no answer is coming, it means you are about to get an answer because your mind is settling down. I don't mean that you will getting any formal or traditional answer but it would be realization. A state of zero will surround you, it will make this question senseless that would be the real answer. To whom are you asking this question? Now there is nobody to answer this question. It will automatically stop the process of asking this question to yourself.

Try this meditation type, if you do it with interest, there is possibility that it will make you feel the moment of truth.


Friday, March 18, 2011

How to prepare yourself for meditation?

I am going to discuss number of meditation techniques in this blog. Not only the meditations but I will try to write some articles which will help to take meditation easily and some articles will be on general life. Now the point here is that what is your job to get prepared for meditation. My answer is that you need to get free yourself from cultural and social boundaries. There are millions of people in this world and there are thousands of different cultures. The meditation types that I am going to write in this blog may seem awkward or stupid to some people. So, the first job here is to remove ego from your mind and be open to take something.

Ego is the biggest problem of human mind. I would say that it can act as barrier to learn something new. Sometimes our cultural and social things can make us stop to learn something which is not related to our culture but it is totally your decision now to make yourself open and be acceptable to new things.

Always try to have sometime for yourself in the whole day. We all have twenty four hours in the whole day and you will have to take out 30-60 minutes for yourself to do meditation from the busy schedule, if you really want to help yourself and want to feel good all day.

Choose a suitable technique for yourself. There will be different types of meditation techniques. Your job will be to choose one of them. The one you find the easiest to do. You can take the one and try it. If you realize after two three days that it is boring for you then you can leave it and then you can choose the other one.

One should not expect quick results from any type of meditation but rather you have to wait and be patient. It is even better that you should not expect result at all. It seems like awkward to say that you should not expect result but such feeling will bring better results which is the only reason to say that.

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

What is meditation from my point of view?

What is meditation from my point of view?

In this world, we are going through same schedule almost every day. Our schedule is getting up early in the morning for a job, coming back tired from the job and then sleep at night. The same schedule is followed each day. When we are following this schedule, we do all the things in the sense of unconsciousness. Have you ever thought that your focus remains on one thing just for 3-4 seconds or may be less than that. Just try to concentrate on one thing now. Just look at the wall clock and try to concentrate on the second hand. Your work is to just look at the second hand without any thought. If you start thinking about anything else then you have lost the game. if you even start thinking about second hand then you have lost either. Your work is just to look without any thought about anything. I can bet that you would not be able to just look for more than 3-4 seconds.

So, according to my definition of meditation it is the state of thoughtlessness. People usually judge wrong about meditation. They think that we have to sit in difficult postures to meditate but it is not right. Anything can be a meditation whatever you like. Your work is just to focus on that thing. It does not matter if you are driving a car, running, swimming, playing tennis or anything else.

I got inspired to start this blog because I just passed through one of my hard phases of my life where I was very much stressed and I felt that I have been trapped in the circumstances. I could not focus on anything and I always had negative thoughts in my mind which further created more problems for me. I had always interest in the meditation techniques and there are hundreds of different types of meditations. I didn't take them seriously but when I felt trapped then I had to take them seriously. I want to help people seriously who are feeling trapped because of current circumstances and they are stressed all the day. I can recommend them some meditation techniques which can be very helpful for them and can bring some happy moments to their lives. I am saying this from my own personal experience, I started feeling better after reading meditation literature and now I feel very calmed and I am an individual now with a positive frame of mind.

I will be writing about many meditation techniques one by one in this blog and your work is to try the one which you find comfortable and easiest for you. Actually you should enjoy it. If you feel burdened trying any of the technique then leave it now because it is not for you then you can try other. Our work is to take meditation lightly and accept it as fun. Enjoy it! You will start feeling the difference soon.

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